Fruit courgette

Wild Country Organics is a forward thinking organic market garden growing outstanding ingredients for modern recipes.

Our award winning organic produce is grown with dedication and a deep understanding of what the plant needs to naturally grow to its best.

The sweet flavour and tender textures make for some of the best tasting vegetables you will ever experience.

It is different to anything you have tried before, once tasted you will be hooked on the freshness and flavour.  We have won the Soil Association Award for fresh produce and vegetables.

Harvesting fresh for each market means they are at their best and great for eating raw in salads and Juices. Their nutrional values are the highest possible because of we keep the interval from the harvest to sale a short as possible.

This is also why our customers yell us our veg keeps longer than supermarket produce, because although we don’t have such hi tech storage systems, ours is freshly cut rather than days or weeks old.

For our online orders we harvest to order and dispatch on the same day.

Our growing techniques mean our leafy vegetables are unique in their sweet tender texture, which makes them easy to cook with and very suitable for eating raw or very lightly steamed or blanched.

We love to experiment with new varieties. This year we are growing 40 types of tomato alone in our unheated greenhouses, Growing with the seasons we create no unnecessary CO2 emissions. Although our customers have to wait June for our summer crops this approach is environmentally less damaging. Infact we believe this is a sustainable model for modern horticulture in Northern Europe. We are supporters of the slow food movement, runners up in 2015 awards.

Most importantly we are combining the age old business model of selling our home grown produce direct to customers at farmers markets in towns and cities, with sustainable organic growing techniques and an exiting range of beautiful vegetables and fruits.